Wednesday, February 16, 2022

8 Values of Free Expression


 Since the installment of the First Amendment into our everyday lives, the eight values of free expression have not only become a staple of media and literacy, but of the actions we take everyday in our lives. The values are as follow; Market Place of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. All eight of these individual values hold immense power in the modern day media and ensuring that freedom of speech is a staple in Americans lives. 

    As I read through the definitions of the eight values, they all seem to have a huge impact on the everyday lives of American citizens, and most importantly those who work in the news and media industry. Although I am a media major, and the path of my future may be created by these eight values, there is one that specifically resonates with me as I study each of them. The value that is titled Individual Self-Fulfillment, or better known as Self Actualization, is the value that I feel resonates with me the most. Self-Actualization is also at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which is something that has ben followed for almost a century The definition for this value goes as follows, "Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity..." This resonates with me the most of the eight values because of the person that I am. I am a very passionate person who sees myself as a unique individual. I am very passionate not only about myself, but about my thoughts and opinions. Sometimes I feel as if the things I believe in rub people the wrong way. This value has helped me realize that there is free speech for a reason, and the things I say and believe in should help lead me to who I am, and should not be changed for people that want to judge me. The idea that free speech leads to self-actualization is such a great overall idea because it is so much deeper then it appears. It allows for individuals to realize not only who they are, but also allows them to realize who they should surround themselves with, that allows them to be the best individual possible. This value resonates with me the most, and it also feels the most personal to me, because of the theory behind the connection of free speech and realizing who you are. 


    I personally believe that all of these values are in action today. They are all very important in upholding the First Amendment. Nowadays, people are dependent on social media and the views and opinions of others, and these values are all important in the spread of news and information through social media. There are so many people with a platform today that say things that many people do not agree with, but thanks to these values, and the First Amendment, they are able to share these opinions and thoughts without a filter, and without being told they are not allowed to think or speak a certain way about certain things. Overall, these 8 values have been pivotal in the construction of the free society we live in today, and people will continue to realize the freedom and voice that they are given through the First Amendment.

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