Friday, February 18, 2022

History of Video Games

 There were many interesting EOTO presentations done by my peers, but one that stood out to me was the presentation given on the history of video game systems. The presentation was very interesting and resonated with me because I am an avid video game fan. The first video game was invented in the 1960s by MIT students, and they only made it available to students in college as a source of entertainment. The first major video game system, the Atari, was invented in 1972, which led to the invention of the first in-home, and widely popular video game "Pong." This game was hugely popular around the country because of how simple it was. Even with the new technology, people were able to figure it out very easy. In 1985 was when video games really started to take off, as Nintendo released the NES, or the Nintendo Entertainment System which was the first major video game system, and became very popular very quickly. In 1994, perhaps the most famous video game system in the world right now, the PlayStation, was released by Sony, followed by the other most famous video game system, the Xbox, released in 2001. In the year 2022, people seem to be watching others play video games, more then they play themselves. This became so popular after the release of streaming in 2005, which allowed highly skilled and entertaining gamers to share live videos or edited videos to Twitch and YouTube. Overall, this presentation was so entertaining, and I learned so much that I didn't know about one of my favorite pastimes. 

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