Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Top 5 Sources of News and Information


Throughout the 21st century, news and information have become increasingly dependent on social media and technology. In the late 1900s, our parents and grandparents obtained information through reading paper, and through word of mouth. As 2000's babies grew up, they began by obtaining information through television and radio. Eventually, they inched towards adulthood, and began to obtain information through the use of apps and websites.

One of my personal favorite apps to use as a source of information is Instagram. Instagram allows users to share pictures, messages, and 10 second stories about any news/information in their life. Instagram also allows for people to send and share others post to their friends or family. It has become an increasingly popular app through the 2000s, and is only rising to new heights.

A popular website that is a great source of news and information is Associated Press, or AP News. They provide information through many apps, but mostly on their website. They give full accounts of events and news through the world, as soon as they obtain the proper information. Giving out information as quickly as possible, they are one of the most reliable news sources in the world.<p>Another great app in terms of gaining information is Twitter. Twitter allows for users to share a limited amount of characters in something called a "tweet." This allows them to share any type of information they want in a tweet. While they sometimes share silly things and comments, overall twitter provides users with endless amount of straight from the source information. 

One of the best websites to use nowadays is the New York Times. To start, they higher extremely credible and qualified writers, to provide stories and blogs on the impending news around the world. This allows for readers to get very sophisticated and formal stories about all the information going on around the world. 

Last but not least, the best website to obtain news and information nowadays is in my opinion the Washington Post. They are a completely unbiased source with extremely skilled and qualified writers. They give the most up to date and in depth information about events and news around the world. The Washington Post is unique because it provides news in every single category, and it also allows for users and subscribers to suggest edits to articles.

Overall, these are 5 of the best overall sources to obtain news and information in todays society. While they all provide the same thing, they are all unique in their own way, and are only getting better.

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