Friday, April 29, 2022

Our Relationship with Technology

     In order to fully understand and define our relationship with technology, we must truly examine our relationships with other humans. The way human relationships have shifted over the last centuries, specifically the 21st, has been something that is studied and examined very closely by scientists and scholars, and is a topic that we discuss and experience in our everyday life (whether we know it or not.) 

    The relationship between humans have many different forms. From the relationship between friends, to the relationship between lovers, between brothers, between mother and son, etc. Yet, there has almost always been one thing in common with these relationships, the aspect of communication. There have been many forms of communication over the years, in which have all been used to form some sort of relationship between humans. Over the past few decades, as technology has advanced and developed as it has wormed its way into the workings of the relationships of every human. As we open our lives to technology more, the more we become dependent on them in our lives and our relationships, and the more we become dependent on them to keep our relationships afloat. 

    Technology affects relationships nowadays as it allows for communication to be made easier. Instead of going to a friends house to see if they're home, you can text them to hang out. Instead of seeing a professor during office hours, you can send them an email in a matter of seconds. Instead of solving your issues with your significant other in person, you can block them on all forms of social media and avoid them in person. See that last one caught you by surprise didn't it? That was just one of the forms of unhealthy communication between two humans in a relationship, that happens as a result of technology being involved. Although technology boosts relationships, and helps to keep them alive and well, there are an immense amount of negative effects and situations which come into play with the use of technology in a relationship. 

    As we examine the relationships between humans and technology, it is clearly quite evident that it is affected by the relationship we have with technology, as I previously displayed. The relationship we have with technology has quickly become a modern day form of the old saying "a wolf in sheep's clothing." Now don't get me wrong, technology is the greatest invention of all time, and it has helped us progress as a society and do things that were never thought to be possible. Without technology we would never have developed airplanes, or computers, or Bluetooth, video games or television. The reason I compare technology to the old saying, is because of how tricked we are into thinking our lives are perfect with the use of technology, and how much it actually negatively impacts our lives. Technology, specifically social media, leads us to believe that everything we see is the truth, whether its some ones life they are posting, or facts about politicians and the government. The truth is, technology has opened a whole other dimension of negative situations in our lives. Technology allows for people to speak very differently behind a screen, which leads to cyberbullying and harassment that cannot be controlled or stopped. While technology is easy to get rid of and social media is easy to delete, we have become so dependent and addicted to the feeling of satisfaction and validation we get from these devices and these apps. 

    Overall, our relationship with technology has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. While we wouldn't be where we are at in our lives or as a society without the impact of technology, there are still some deep and dark paths that we must go down to fully examine the effects that technology has on us, and our relationships with the REAL world. 


Friday, February 18, 2022

History of Video Games

 There were many interesting EOTO presentations done by my peers, but one that stood out to me was the presentation given on the history of video game systems. The presentation was very interesting and resonated with me because I am an avid video game fan. The first video game was invented in the 1960s by MIT students, and they only made it available to students in college as a source of entertainment. The first major video game system, the Atari, was invented in 1972, which led to the invention of the first in-home, and widely popular video game "Pong." This game was hugely popular around the country because of how simple it was. Even with the new technology, people were able to figure it out very easy. In 1985 was when video games really started to take off, as Nintendo released the NES, or the Nintendo Entertainment System which was the first major video game system, and became very popular very quickly. In 1994, perhaps the most famous video game system in the world right now, the PlayStation, was released by Sony, followed by the other most famous video game system, the Xbox, released in 2001. In the year 2022, people seem to be watching others play video games, more then they play themselves. This became so popular after the release of streaming in 2005, which allowed highly skilled and entertaining gamers to share live videos or edited videos to Twitch and YouTube. Overall, this presentation was so entertaining, and I learned so much that I didn't know about one of my favorite pastimes. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Censorship, and its Effects.

After exploring the two sites,
ANTIWAR.COM, and American Conservative, I came to the conclusion that the freedom of speech in todays society is not as free as it seems. People are not as open minded and welcoming to new ideas anymore, and the people who are higher up are able to censor others who think different ways then them. The reason we never hear of these writers from both websites, is because nowadays there is so much censorship on major media outlets, and any free thinking that deters from their ideas and morals, is not something that is usually accepted. Also, it is often common we have to seek out obscure websites to hear this antiwar information and the voices that speak on it. There are many reasons for why, but the main reason is that nowadays, there is so much controversy surrounding war, and some countries believe that it is a good thing, bringing in much money. The US could promote these websites, but I think they are scared to make enemies by spreading these ideas. Overall, there is too much censorship in todays society, and the way to stop this starts with the topic of antiwar.

8 Values of Free Expression


 Since the installment of the First Amendment into our everyday lives, the eight values of free expression have not only become a staple of media and literacy, but of the actions we take everyday in our lives. The values are as follow; Market Place of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. All eight of these individual values hold immense power in the modern day media and ensuring that freedom of speech is a staple in Americans lives. 

    As I read through the definitions of the eight values, they all seem to have a huge impact on the everyday lives of American citizens, and most importantly those who work in the news and media industry. Although I am a media major, and the path of my future may be created by these eight values, there is one that specifically resonates with me as I study each of them. The value that is titled Individual Self-Fulfillment, or better known as Self Actualization, is the value that I feel resonates with me the most. Self-Actualization is also at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which is something that has ben followed for almost a century The definition for this value goes as follows, "Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity..." This resonates with me the most of the eight values because of the person that I am. I am a very passionate person who sees myself as a unique individual. I am very passionate not only about myself, but about my thoughts and opinions. Sometimes I feel as if the things I believe in rub people the wrong way. This value has helped me realize that there is free speech for a reason, and the things I say and believe in should help lead me to who I am, and should not be changed for people that want to judge me. The idea that free speech leads to self-actualization is such a great overall idea because it is so much deeper then it appears. It allows for individuals to realize not only who they are, but also allows them to realize who they should surround themselves with, that allows them to be the best individual possible. This value resonates with me the most, and it also feels the most personal to me, because of the theory behind the connection of free speech and realizing who you are. 


    I personally believe that all of these values are in action today. They are all very important in upholding the First Amendment. Nowadays, people are dependent on social media and the views and opinions of others, and these values are all important in the spread of news and information through social media. There are so many people with a platform today that say things that many people do not agree with, but thanks to these values, and the First Amendment, they are able to share these opinions and thoughts without a filter, and without being told they are not allowed to think or speak a certain way about certain things. Overall, these 8 values have been pivotal in the construction of the free society we live in today, and people will continue to realize the freedom and voice that they are given through the First Amendment.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

History of the Supreme Court

After reading the overview about the Supreme Court, written by the editors at the History Channel, I was unequivocally sure that I had been filled with a ton of new knowledge about the Supreme Court and the innerworkings of one of the most historical systems in the history of our nation. The first thing I learned that I had not known was that the Supreme Court has power over all the laws within our country. I believed that their form of "due process" was equal to that of a regular court in America, but it seems as if they have the power to make their own decisions, regardless of what the exact law says. Another thing I learned was that the Supreme Court, which is at the head of the Judicial system, oversees the laws passed and actions done by the other two systems, the Executive and Legislative. I had previously thought that they only handled crimes against the nation and crimes on a larger scale, but it is known to me now that they make sure the laws passed by the other two systems are fair and justified to the people of our country. I also had no idea that the Supreme Court was signed off on by George Washington, who also implemented the idea 6 justices that stayed on the court until they died or retired. I did not think the Supreme Court was that old The most important take away from this overview for me personally was something I previously talked about in my article, which is the power that the Supreme Court has over the law in our country. This was the most important take-away because it gives a simple yet powerful description of just how strong and influential the Supreme Court is to America. It also gives a good look into some of the corruption our country may face, as we have laws for a reason, but it seems as if they can be bent if chosen to be by the 6 justices on the Supreme Court. The most surprising thing I learned throughout this entire article was that in 1974, U.S President Richard Nixon went to Trial against the US, in which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the US. This ruling made it illegal for the President of the United States to withhold evidence in a legal case. I found this extremely interesting because it seems as if the SCOTUS has the most power in our country, because they were able to make a law that even the President does not have power to reverse or cut corners on. Overall, this overview of the Supreme Court of the United States opened my eyes on many things, and I was able to learn so much about how our Judicial system works. This overview made me realize that living as a normal citizen, we are on such a small scale of the judicial system, compared to the higher ups of our country, and even the felons, that control the movements of our nation every day. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Top 5 Sources of News and Information


Throughout the 21st century, news and information have become increasingly dependent on social media and technology. In the late 1900s, our parents and grandparents obtained information through reading paper, and through word of mouth. As 2000's babies grew up, they began by obtaining information through television and radio. Eventually, they inched towards adulthood, and began to obtain information through the use of apps and websites.

One of my personal favorite apps to use as a source of information is Instagram. Instagram allows users to share pictures, messages, and 10 second stories about any news/information in their life. Instagram also allows for people to send and share others post to their friends or family. It has become an increasingly popular app through the 2000s, and is only rising to new heights.

A popular website that is a great source of news and information is Associated Press, or AP News. They provide information through many apps, but mostly on their website. They give full accounts of events and news through the world, as soon as they obtain the proper information. Giving out information as quickly as possible, they are one of the most reliable news sources in the world.<p>Another great app in terms of gaining information is Twitter. Twitter allows for users to share a limited amount of characters in something called a "tweet." This allows them to share any type of information they want in a tweet. While they sometimes share silly things and comments, overall twitter provides users with endless amount of straight from the source information. 

One of the best websites to use nowadays is the New York Times. To start, they higher extremely credible and qualified writers, to provide stories and blogs on the impending news around the world. This allows for readers to get very sophisticated and formal stories about all the information going on around the world. 

Last but not least, the best website to obtain news and information nowadays is in my opinion the Washington Post. They are a completely unbiased source with extremely skilled and qualified writers. They give the most up to date and in depth information about events and news around the world. The Washington Post is unique because it provides news in every single category, and it also allows for users and subscribers to suggest edits to articles.

Overall, these are 5 of the best overall sources to obtain news and information in todays society. While they all provide the same thing, they are all unique in their own way, and are only getting better.

Our Relationship with Technology

       In order to fully understand and define our relationship with technology, we must truly examine our relationships with other humans. ...